Sunday, September 17, 2006

Last chance saloon (actually estate)
It is with heavy heart that the Lady Majoress bids farewell to her trusty stead Sherman. An Armley institution if ever there was one, passers by stopped and waved as the baby blue tank roared around the streets of LS12. Neighbours could more or less guess at the time being between 8 and 9.30am as she set off for work. But alas the Lady Mayoress's good husband has declared manfully that his new employment necessitates a less thirsty beast and Sherman has been dumped.

You have about 10 seconds if you wish to take this loveable estate car off our hands. She is mot'd until December, a bit of a greedy guzzler so not for nipping about town in but great for bringing back logs and firewood, antiques or a few dozen illegal immigrants. She has travelled extensively, and is therefore cultured, but let not her mileage make you think she is on her last legs. Oh no not she, her heart beats perfectly if her appearance does not do her justice.

So we are open to any offers if you can provide a good home for her, and allow the Lady Mayoress to come and pet her once in a while. email for further information.
click here for ebay listing. If you make any kind of offer before 5pm Monday 19th then I will take it off the listings.


Anonymous said...

It's truly a sad, sad day.

You've served us well Sherman, we salute you

Emma Bearman said...

sold to a lovely pair of goths from Wales for £112! Coming Thursday to take delivery. Watch this space for more info