Monday, February 05, 2007

Urgent help required!
We have 260 signatures from both the online petition and from the hard work Maria has put in walking around the streets. The feedback has been that our community has no desire to see a prime double fronted shop turned into a bookies.
However whilst we have been concentrating on stopping a licence being granted by the magistrate's we all totally missed the planning notice further down the road which expired on the 30th January. We contacted the council planners and they said we could have until the end of the week to make our voices and views heard. So please go online to object by clicking here
and send letters to: Mrs Hare

West Team

Planning Services

Leonardo Building

2 Rossington Street


Apparently the planning committee is more likely to take the emotive views of the community in an area earmarked for regeneration than the magistrate's, where unless we can prove lack of demand our chances are slim with out legal representation.

Please forward this on to all those concerned.

Watch this space for some more interesting news coming shortly about fun things!


Anonymous said...

Given the influx of Polish people into Armley, I'd be delighted if the shop was to end up as a Polish themed restaurant\bar\cafe.

I'll be the first to admit that I have no idea what consitutes Polish cuisine, but I think it would be a good way of getting the people of Armley and our new Polish friends to mix and enjoy each others culture and company.

Furthermore I'm not aware of any Polish restaurants in Leeds, so it would give LS12 something unique.

Anonymous said...

I think that is a grand idea!