Monday, August 13, 2007


As alluded to in recent posts we will be launching a new competition for this year's calendar. Now that we have virtually all our ducks in the row we need to find a creative genius who wishes to help us design a very simple logo and turn copy into printer ready posters etc. (Illustrator, Photoshop)

Not wishing to undersell this wonderful opportunity, there is a tiny amount of cash available to compensate said endeavors..

Furthermore we have about 10 seconds turn around time if we want said logo to adorn a billboard on Mistress Lane.

In return your logo will be seen on every printed calendar, you will be credited on the calendar and on the website we are currently designing... in fact your logo will be very prominent on said website.

You can also have the opportunity to eat lots and lots of cake!

So for further details about what this entails etc please contact ASAP

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