Charlie's Angels in great cake challenge
By Aisha Iqbal in Yorkshire Evening Post 10th September 2007
Meet Charlie's Angels!
Okay, so there are no flared trousers, gun holsters or flicked-back hairdos in sight. These Angels, who all hail from Armley, Leeds, are on a mission – they have just launched their Charming Armley Cake Competition.
They are urging budding bakers and cake-lovers to get out the bowls and wooden spoons and start mixing.
The aim is to find the best amateur cake bakers in Leeds and, at the same time, raise money for older people's charity Armley Helping Hands.
Cakes can be "funny, naughty, spongy, creamy, jammy and fruity"– and, of course, very cake-y.
The girls were inspired by local landmark Charlie Cake Park and the man whose name it bears. Judging will take place at a fun day in the park next month, with well-known local people and celebrities on the panel.
The best 12 cakes will be professionally photographed for a charity calendar and the overall winner will spend a session with a professional chef to develop their recipe so that it can be exclusively sold at Boutique's Tiled Hall Café at the City Art Gallery in Leeds and the Gatehouse Café at Kirkstall Abbey.
Many other prizes are also on offer, and West Leeds firm Farnell is offering 100 basic ingredients packs free to anyone wanting to take part.
Emma Bearman, one of the six "cake angels" said: "It's a celebration of our community, the wonderful Charlie Cake Park and the older people of Leeds.
Charlie's Cake Angels are a group of volunteers from the LS12 area who say they all have a passion for the unique character of their suburb and a desire to bring the community together.
The competition will be judged on Saturday, October 6, and entrants are asked to bring along their cakes and their recipes from midday for registration.
Cakes will be judged in six age categories with the best two in each category being professionally photographed for the calendar.
The cake-a-thon will be followed by a family fun day - and entry is free for anyone entering a cake into the competition.
* For more information visit or to pick up one of the free basic ingredients packs call Armley Helping Hands on 0113 279 9292 from September 24. will be the last post from this As of tomorrow all posts will come from YES IT IS FINISHED! You will be able to create your own news and posts from there 2 soon!
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