Thursday, August 31, 2006

News of Armley Tourist Board Spreads to Tampa Bay Florida via entry in Wikipedia

Thanks to our friends who updated the wiki- no idea who had the foresight to do this but if it means old Armleyites can stay tuned, and new ones can check out what the area is like then all the better.

On another note, Lady Mayoress and the Most Marvellous Tea Dance Ladies were visited by the Yorkshire Evening Post today for a special spread all about Armley. Watch this space for further news and pictures!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

'Second Coming' opened by Lady Mayoress of Armley and closed by her majesty's police constabulary shocker....
Armley Tourist Board are pleased to report that that our defacto chair and self appointed Lady Mayoress regally opened proceedings on this years rather splendid and very well attended 'Jam up the back passage: the second coming' Back to wild acclaim was the greatest lover in Armley- Jim, but this time with a full band of nattily attired shadow 'shadows'. Our secret gossip hounds noticed a certain frisson between said mayoress and the band members, as she invited them to feel free to 'kiss her ring' after introducing them to their adoring public.
The crowd swelled, gyrated and generally paid homage to the talented bands and DJs that freely gave of their time and energy. We had the most fabulous line up, check out the links on the left to hear the music of D'astro and Middleman.
Armley Dog, yet again got everyone whipped into a frenzy with his cunning choice of discs and the young people danced into the wee small hours. Jam Up veterans of last year Danny (Drums) Julian (Bass) Mik Artistik (Vocals) and Laura (Vocals) certainly helped bring us to the climax with some very daring music indeed. That is until an mysterious flame haired starlet took the mike and advocated 'bigging it up for all the gingers out there.' Despite this rather unusual form of tribute the rest of the crowd, blondes, brunettes, baldies and others carried on grooooooving until
CRASH BANG WALLOP ........ The police came and rather forcefully demand that we DESIST and get down on our bellies immediately. (Don't get carried away- ed) Okay perhaps my recollection by 2pm was slightly hazy/fevered/excited but the swarthy police man who gripped one of our revellers by the throat desired a good licking off (sic) for such excessive use of force......Sorry I'll try to behave myself.... For those of you who rightfully complained that we had overstayed our welcome, apologies for keeping you awake past midnight. It wont happen again we promise.
For those of you who had plenty of excess energy and wanted to keep on dancing, the rozzers recommend that we start earlier next year!

More news to follow including pictures, news hot off the press about Alan Bennett, tributes and thanks to all that made it happen and a round up of recent Armley news.................

Armley Tourist Board warmly welcome any contributors from our community who wish to add to this public information site so please email us with your contact details.