'Jam Up The Back Passage' tributes and pics!
What a fantastic turn out to the party, it was beyond our dreams.
So thanks to all that came along, brought yummy food, drank the potent punch, and made up some scarily whopping lies! Or even more worrying were some of the fabulous fictions I read about! (Not going to 'out' any cos at this stage my memory is proving to be quite selective, but you know who you are!)
You might recognise your mug shots in some of the photos we have posted.
I am sure that you will all agree that we were blessed by great weather and more importantly some fantastic musicians who gave their all and more. Special thanks go to Julian, Danny and Jonny who got their bands together and played for nowt more than the promise of a burger and some booze.
If anyone wants to see some great live footage of Mick Artistic and his unique 'Baby' song to actually hear what he was singing it can be arranged! The man's a genius.
Who will ever forget Jim (greatest lover in Armley) supported magnificently by his chief groupie Janice, check out the photos to remind you just how he kept everybody entralled by his spooky reincarnation of the Shadows.
The beautiful carnivalesque bunting, bedouin tent and pink flamingos were down to the creative genius of Ange and were utilised perfectly for Chloe's artful nail painting.
And what about the maniac chefs James and Sam who orchestrated 4 barbeques to keep us all fed and content. Mmmmm got to get to the gym to work off those lush chicken satay kebabs...
Boe aka 'Armley Dog' our unstinting DJ spun us through midnight and on into the wee small hours. Apparently he is still in shock after the police turned up to tell him to turn it up! Our sentiments exactly
Finally massive thanks to Joanna who helped whip us all into shape and get our arses into gear and led the dancing and had to be dragged off to bed at 4ish as her face was starting to 'look all wrong?'.
The drunken feedback we got seems to suggest that you want more excuses to get together, eat drink and be merry so watch this space for more events that we are hoping to get going (Bonfire night and Burns are already on the agenda..............)
So we would love it if you would help fill in those post party blanks that will keep us all chuckling whilst back at the old grind by using this site to remind us of your gossip and stories from the party.
If I have done the unforgivable and omitted thanks where they are due please blame it on the fact of Monday morning 'wine flu' as Jo likes to call it. Do feel free to upbraid me on the website.
The Jam Siren
P.S If anyone else has any pics to upload please email me them on emsystewart@hotmail.com
P.P.S We lassies: Ange Jo and me would like also to admit that men are more tolerant to pain than we are. Jonny (who did not go to bed) Tom, James, Steve and Julian did a grand job of clearing up the back passage assisted ably by the only girl to lift her finger Julie. They even sorted all the bottles into the right order and took them to the bottle bank, and they needed a van to carry them all!
P.P.P.S Did you leave anything behind? We might have it..................................
P.P.P.P.S Sorry to those poor people who could not get to sleep, we all got a bit giddy and carried away with it. Next time we will try to keep it to a reasonable level after the witching hour!