Bang up the Back PassageYet again a fabulous night was enjoyed by many as they braved the spitting rain to enjoy a rare spectacle of fire, food and fawkes.
Jam Siren has to report that she got a bit drunk on the cider punch as it tasted ever so sweet and innocent she made it her mission to finish it off. BIG MISTAKE!
Again thanks to all the Armley Massive Crew who made it all happen. Fireman Sam and Caroline, Jo and James, Ange and Julian, Jonny and Julie, Tom and Miss Higgins. Amongst them they made sure that we had a safe evening, if not a little bizarre with the burning of a 7ft effigy of Guy, amidst rather pagan chants of 'Burn him, Burn him'
The pictures can explain the rest...........................
Next biggie will be the Jam Up in Summer next year, but please email me with any gigs or parties you would like posting up for the good folk of Armley to attend.
Thanks again for coming along with your fireworks, tatties and booze.
Jam Siren.
P.S I have a picture of Julian wearing Angie's tights that I will auction to the highest bidder!