Thursday, October 18, 2007
Put the 6th November in your diary for the launch of the Charming Armley Cake Calendar 2008 at the Tiled Hall Cafe in Leeds Art Gallery. 6pm- 8pm
You will also be able to see Casey Orr's table top exhibition and book "The Kitchen Story"
All funds from the calendar will go to Armley Helping Hands a registered charity supporting older people in Leeds 12. The charity consist of volunteers and staff offering a friendly, supportive environment to assist older people in maintaining their independence, improving quality of life and reducing social isolation.
A little round up...
Check out The Marvellous Tea Dance Company at St Barts Social Club in Armley this Saturday night
Mik Artisik to play at the Idler Party in London tonight and supporting Jonny Vegas in Manchester on the 25th October
Want to add to our news and views, got events to shout about or attract people to? Contact us via the form on our swanky new website if you would like to share - either as a frequent or infrequent contributor.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Charlie's Angels in great cake challenge
Okay, so there are no flared trousers, gun holsters or flicked-back hairdos in sight. These Angels, who all hail from Armley, Leeds, are on a mission – they have just launched their Charming Armley Cake Competition.
They are urging budding bakers and cake-lovers to get out the bowls and wooden spoons and start mixing.
The aim is to find the best amateur cake bakers in Leeds and, at the same time, raise money for older people's charity Armley Helping Hands.
Cakes can be "funny, naughty, spongy, creamy, jammy and fruity"– and, of course, very cake-y.
The girls were inspired by local landmark Charlie Cake Park and the man whose name it bears. Judging will take place at a fun day in the park next month, with well-known local people and celebrities on the panel.
The best 12 cakes will be professionally photographed for a charity calendar and the overall winner will spend a session with a professional chef to develop their recipe so that it can be exclusively sold at Boutique's Tiled Hall Café at the City Art Gallery in Leeds and the Gatehouse Café at Kirkstall Abbey.
Many other prizes are also on offer, and West Leeds firm Farnell is offering 100 basic ingredients packs free to anyone wanting to take part.
Emma Bearman, one of the six "cake angels" said: "It's a celebration of our community, the wonderful Charlie Cake Park and the older people of Leeds.
Charlie's Cake Angels are a group of volunteers from the LS12 area who say they all have a passion for the unique character of their suburb and a desire to bring the community together.
The competition will be judged on Saturday, October 6, and entrants are asked to bring along their cakes and their recipes from midday for registration.
Cakes will be judged in six age categories with the best two in each category being professionally photographed for the calendar.
The cake-a-thon will be followed by a family fun day - and entry is free for anyone entering a cake into the competition.
* For more information visit or to pick up one of the free basic ingredients packs call Armley Helping Hands on 0113 279 9292 from September 24.
This will be the last post from this As of tomorrow all posts will come from YES IT IS FINISHED! You will be able to create your own news and posts from there 2 soon!
Toodle pip
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Jam Siren here, sneakily filling in for the LadyM whilst she nurses her burst ear drums and tries to avoid piecing together the fateful moments that led her to believe the residents of Armley would like to hear her West Country rendition of Cliff Richards ' Devil Woman'
When she comes to, and out again, she may feel a slight chill in the air towards her, in fact Mr Mayor declared her to be a 'total tw*t' with an 'a' not an 'i'. Partly because she had broken his favorite chair as she lent over him to hear the gossip about 2 potential love matches in the making. Watch this space for news on that!
This years Jam Up the Back Passage: Close Encounters of the Third Kind welcomed baby Beatrix born of lovers Marcus and Zoe who met last year and as you can tell wasted no time what so ever. That's what we like!
What will next year bring? Will there be a next year? Will the LadyM ever show her face again?
We have pillaged a couple of pictures from Flickr which gives an indication of how the night was spent
* Excepts of LadyM's intended speech now follow:
"Thanks to: The weather for not being too mean, the tarpaulin crew who showed the weather who was gonna win in a competition, Ange for her eye for beauty bunting and fairy lights, everyone who came along and danced, brought food and drink and energy. To all the wonderful musicians (Jim, Mervin, The Street Shadows, Danny, Ju, Wayne, the guys from Carnival Messiah, Mik Artistik, the DJ's - this is where it get's hazy... Boe? Dan? ... To Jonny and Julie, Sam & Caroline, James and Jo, Baz for her stickering. The gals for comforting LadyM in her bed as she sobbed hysterically....And anyone else that may have been forgotten due to too much drink and a soft head...Oh and thanks to all the lovely musicians that would have played should the DJ's not settled in for the night.... Thanks St Ives, Armley, Leeds, the community support officers and anyone else who could not sleep till dawn. "
This is small fragment of the speech LadyM prepared but was too vodka'd up to the eyeballs to successfully deliver, thank the lord. Instead she enlisted little Jordan from up the road in dancing a makarena(?) and screeching as to wake the real police woman who lived 4 streets away.

Friday, August 17, 2007
As for information about the cake competition please send your email addresses to jamsiren{at} to be informed all about it. We aim to have the official Armley Tourist Board website up and running with information about this year's wonderful Charming Armley Cake Competition. Look out for posters as they will be in the shops at about the same time too. In short a competition with fabulous prizes in Charlie Cake Park on the 6th October is what you need to know for now....... more will follow!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Free tickets for the Leeds Festival anyone? Read more from the Mean Fiddler team......
"As you know, we have the Tent Recycling project going on at Leeds Festival and we would like to ensure we collect as many available tents and other re-usable items as possible.
To this end, we have decided to expand our collection days to include Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th. However we want to appeal to your sons and daughters and their friends, if they are after a free ticket to the 2008 Leeds Festival!!!
The collected items won’t be for taking back to scouts however, we will send them onto our charity Global Hand. We will also be collecting unopened food and pots and pans and arranging for these to go to charities locally.
Please have the interested people email Emily Kay on: with the subject line as "Recycling Project - Leeds 2008 Tickets"
Monday, August 13, 2007
As alluded to in recent posts we will be launching a new competition for this year's calendar. Now that we have virtually all our ducks in the row we need to find a creative genius who wishes to help us design a very simple logo and turn copy into printer ready posters etc. (Illustrator, Photoshop)
Not wishing to undersell this wonderful opportunity, there is a tiny amount of cash available to compensate said endeavors..
Furthermore we have about 10 seconds turn around time if we want said logo to adorn a billboard on Mistress Lane.
In return your logo will be seen on every printed calendar, you will be credited on the calendar and on the website we are currently designing... in fact your logo will be very prominent on said website.
You can also have the opportunity to eat lots and lots of cake!
So for further details about what this entails etc please contact ASAP
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Coming soon to a triangular shaped park near you.....
Cake and fete
Will this year's calendar make
That's right, be mad, be vulgar, be bold
and create a sight, sore, to behold
Let the cakes in your mind's eye
be turned from 'pie in the sky'
Into fantastical dreamy cake castles
adorn them with ribbons and tassels
Or aim straight and true
Use the recipe your mum's mum's mum grew
and passed down through the years
honour the memories of our ole dears
Okay enough wierdo poetry (the lady mayoress has been on some self improvement lark recently!) all you need know is there is going to be a hugely ambitious cake baking eggstravaganza that you might want to sign up to receive notification of! There will be prizes, gaiety and giddiness come October, you mark our words! Dust off those old recipe books, start thinking of your favourite sweety stuff and watch this space
Join our list
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Neighbours silence Dolly Parton fan
A Dolly Parton fan is facing an Asbo after her love for the country singer sounded a sour note with her neighbours.
Diane Duffin, from Armley, Leeds, is said to have blasted out Miss Parton's 9 to 5 and D.I.V.O.R.C.E up to 20 times a day and night. One neighbour said her life had been made a "living hell".
The 36-year-old mother of four has been issued with a noise abatement notice after neighbours complained. She had all her sound-making possessions confiscated, including five stereos.
They also plan to evict her to save her neighbours from further torment.
Miss Duffin said: "We do play Dolly Parton a lot but not all day and night. We don't disturb anyone."
Friday, July 27, 2007
The Lady M is back in Armley after a week of gentle twitching in Portugal. In an event packed week the highlight was, undoubtedly, watching an angry swallow attack a cheeky little owl who dared to come too close to the swallow's nest. Not once, twice, but five times did said swallow show the little owl it's ire! Unless this was a bizarre mating ritual and the owl was a little twit to woo!
So now back to more urban joys. You are invited to signal your intent to find out more about the conservation plans for our own patch of wild life here in Armley (I am thinking Town Street and beyond) The plans are not about the green patches but more about the buildings etc!
Toodle Pippin folks
A relaxed LadyM
BTW Well done to Jane Earnshaw on putting on a fabulous two weeks of creative craziness. We salute you and hereby grant you the freedom of Armley Jane!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Tonight / Friday / Saturday get ready for some heavy necking in the car park at Dawsons Corner, Pudsey and enjoy a taste of proper American Drive In styleee entertainment.
"As darkness falls across the land......" You will have every excuse to grab the gear stick in terror and, if you wish, the person next to you, as Janet Leigh get's it in the shower. (Friday night Thriller!) More on below
Sunday night (after dark) the wonderfully iconic Armley Gyratory Gas Tower better be at full mast as the work of hundreds of talented photographers will be on show. Some of the Charming Armley Calendar pictures will be showcased too! (For all those of you not coming, put the central heating on full blast and run copious baths to do your bit!)
Pudsey park MOUSE PAT the doggie (if you had done this Sunday you may have found yourself being pished upon)
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
The Lady Mayoress asks you to put her on the spot! Click on this link to get the live internet directions to listen in.
3 ways to achieve a jammy, cheesy, lovefest of a show
- Let the good lady know if you would like to dedicate a special record to a loved one in your life and why....(let us know before 5pm on Monday so that we can add them to our play list)
- What do you love/hate about Armley? Compile your list and email us before or ring the number broadcast at the beginning of the show....)
- If you were granted freedom of Armley for 24 hours what would you do (you have 3 get out of jail free cards and a pots of dosh!)
And finally....
If you come from a place that you think is as good as Armley, (which we doubt) then please also write/call in with your challenge!
Friday, July 06, 2007

Lady M to be on the airwaves Monday!
Casey Orr's exhibition along the canal by Armley Industrial Mills was a not to be missed experience, her work is internationally acclaimed and we lucky Armley and Leeds folk get to enjoy it all summer! The rain made drowned rats tails of Lady M's posh cocktail hair do, but it was worth it to see the photographs and mingle with the creme de la creme of Leeds society!
The Lady Mayoress will be live on Air (yes she get's by with oxygen just like you mortals)
As part of the utterly fab festival radio for the I love West Leeds Festival she will be broadcasting out, with love in her heart to all you loyal subjects.
When? When? We hear you cry with gladness of spirit and eager anticipation. Let's huddle around the transister radio with cups of cocoa to hear the good Lady M playing her favourite melodies, swaying gently to her blasts from the past, classics from the atic, raves from the grave! So tune into: or and 87.7fm at
8pm on Monday.
You can even phone whilst she is live on air, she will of course be announcing some jolly jape of a competition, and welcomes all of your views about what makes Armley worth shouting about!
Please RING UP and stop her droning on about her buddies Alan and Barbara!
And finally dear pop pickers, get yourselves all excited about the knitted shed by reading this
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Hello are you there and awake? WANT TO claim train TICKETS TO GO TO LONDON? better be quick then asweI wont be able to get them to you for Friday if you aren't.
need apply as this Saturday heralds the start of lots of madness indeed in and around Armley and beyond! The Lady Mayoress's travel office made a monumental mistake in booking her appointment with Gordon Brown this coming weekend to discuss a top secret 'community friendliness assigment' and already we have had to disappoint him. Still hopefully 'The Only Tory in Armley?' is working on his plan to get us paid consultancy with Mr Cameron instead!
Anyway for those with a burning desire to subject themselves to the big smoke YOU can have the opportunity of FREE return tickets by clicking here and following the instructions. Make sure you let me know by email that you came via the kind offer by stopping here first!
Departing Leeds Friday at 9.30 getting into London at 12.03
Returning London Sunday at 12.10 getting into Leeds at 14.36
email jamsiren{at} or skype me as on the right hand side of the page
If indeed you do win these tickets worth £55.00 we ask that you compile a report of your visit to London and what it was like, for all of those readers who don't wish to leave the smashing comforts of Armley.
Monday, June 25, 2007
State your name and intentions!
Maybe we could couple?
It would not be too slanderous to say that our Lady Mayoress has a very sticky beak indeed and has employed the chaps at Google to help her work out what tickles you and why.
Interestingly the top search item is 'Armley Blog' and and look what you end up reading! (Even if you only stop for 1.34 seconds before hopping off to read all about the Only Tory in Armley) Realising that her power is very limited she knows that she cannot grant you the freedom of Armley in return for sharing a little about yourself, (Yes I am speaking to you dear reader from Orebro where ever that is) but please indulge the nosy parker with a small comment as to what pleasure you derive from stopping by our humble Tourist Board.
Actually Jam Siren has to reveal that the The Lady Mayoress is beside herself to know what would tickle you more and wonders if perhaps we should consider twinning (or coupling) Armley with your town? Let us know what initiatives you would like to see happen. We are all arse here!
So visits so far this month already exceed 3000 and our inches of membership proudly extend into many columns these days. We are keener than ever to keep nurturing your loyalty!
Some of the top locations of visitors are:
Leeds|538330|-15830 |
London|515000|-1170 |
Manchester|535000|-22170 |
Sheffield|533670|-15000 |
Birmingham|524670|-19170 |
Brentford|515000|-3170 |
Epsom|513170|-2670 |
Edinburgh|559500|-32000 |
Hull|537170|-3330 |
Lincoln|532330|-5330 |
Bradford|537500|-18330 |
Sydney|-338830|1512170 |
Reading|514330|-10000 |
Milton Keynes|520330|-7000 |
Seattle|476110|-1223340 |
Chesterfield|532500|-14170 |
Oakland|377780|-1222180 |
Wrexham|530500|-30000 |
Liverpool|534170|-30000 |
Dublin|533330|-62490 |
Brisbane|-275000|1530170 |
Jeffersonville|383360|-856980 |
Tampa|279480|-824590 |
Madrid|404000|-36830 |
Wokingham|514170|-8330 |
Anyang|373830|1269170 |
Gloucester|518330|-22500 |
Bletchley|519830|-7330 |
Orebro|592830|152170 |
Rawtenstall|537000|-22830 |
Paris|488670|23330 |
Indianapolis|397750|-861100 |
San Diego|327250|-1171720 |
Watford|516500|-4000 |
Telford|526670|-24670 |
Sale|534170|-23000 |
Pudsey|538000|-16670 |
Asheville|355950|-825570 |
Melbourne|-378170|1449670 |
Appleton|442820|-883850 |
Guildford|512170|-5670 |
Thames Ditton|513830|-3330 |
Aylesbury|518170|-8000 |
Inverness|574670|-42330 |
Rain did not stop play last Saturday and Charlie Cake Park played host to an array of picnics, cakes and sugar frenzied tots!
Well done to the Friends of Armley Common (I am not sure of all their names so wont mention them personally) They do a fantastic job of keeping our lovely green spaces welcoming. If ever you want to join them and enjoy the sensation of an aching back, sweat gently dampening your pits, dirty finger nails, and a thirst that only pints of cider will quench why not join them on weekends? For less vagueness, the Lady M has never been seen to lift a finger so most likely wont have the faintest what really constitutes working up a thirst, you had better email:
For those of you who missed it, and get your kicks from looking at pictures of cakes then I suggest you take a look at the pictures on
Friday, June 22, 2007
Hmmm, the Lady Mayoress has mixed emotions about the fact that a wonderful social enterprise in Armley called Just Coffee People have been asked to make the Lord Mayor of Leed's coffee blend! She ofcourse turned down the honour herself a month or so ago, feeling that it would not be fair to grab the limelight for herself at a time when the new Lord Mayor was coming into office. So Cllr Brian Cleasby benefits this time around, and gets to offer all his guests a rather delicious smelling single blend of Arabica Excelso beans from the COSURCA co-operative in
The Lord Mayor of Leeds Single Origin Coffee can be purchased from Beano Wholefoods, Out of this World, the Beehive Shop, the Civic Hall shop and the Tourist Information Centre. Alternatively contact just coffee people on 0113 279 2936 or visit
During I Love West Leeds Festival He-Re are hosting a wonderful evening of food and have been inundated with requests for tickets. There are now only 4 tickets left so don't delay if you wish to get along! Naturally The Lady Mayoress of Armley will be there too, so what are you waiting for? Click He-re to see more
Friday, June 15, 2007
Well who would have thought it, we have rain in June! And lots of it unfortunately.
A decision has been made therefore to move the URBAN PICNIC from tomorrow *Saturday 16th to the following week the 23rd~!
So if you have already baked cakes etc then you will have to scoff them in the dry with your mates.
BOOOH HISSS to the rain
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
Friday, June 08, 2007

Are doing loads of really fab things that you may wish to put in your diary NOW we tell you!
We are going to put links on so that you can sign up, but a small flavour follows over on Creative Armley...................
Yes that is why she has been pretty quiet, Jam Siren has found a way to shut her up and it involves putting her in a rather large tank of salty water and leaving her there for hours at a time. The result of this is that the good lady has lost a bit of the zip that makes her get off her big fat behind! These little watery cocoons are brilliant and we are going to shamelessly plug them! Get along to JUST FLOAT on North Street in Leeds if you want to destress, detoxify or detonate quietly without collateral damage. Click here if you can bear to lift a finger
Still dear reader never fear, she is cooking up a wonderiferous treat to launch at next weekend's urban picnic! You will be pleasantly surprised we feel! (we might mention Dame Barbara Taylor Bradford has been in touch!!!)
At said next weekends picnic the Armley Tourist Board will have a BOOK SWAP stand, so feel free to bring books along with you and a carrier bag, we will off load a whole lot of recentish books in the name of clearing out St Ives Town Hall
On the same note, bring along your blankets, your instruments and the cakes to the urban picnic at Charlie Cake! Even better come along early if you want to help the lovely organisers get it looking super.
The flier below has all the info you need..........
Monday, May 21, 2007
So how very lovely this is! Look forward to seeing y'all there.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wow, word has spread like cheap strawberry jam that this is the place to let people know what's what! So here is a bit about some events coming up and a teaser to 2 new blog authors who wish to share their views on living in Armley.......
A Night at the Museum - This weekend at the lovely cinema in Armley Mills - Click here for more
A stitch up, knit and bitch, also this weekend at Armley Mills - Click here for more
A night at Gott's Park Golf Club, put on your plus fours and pringle sweaters and click here for more
An Urban Tea Party in June... in Charlie Cake Park, again click here for more....
5 Minute quickie with 'Am I the only gay gal in Armley?' our new and rather foxy blog contributor. Stay tuned for her quickie which is coming soon!
In a similar vein we may be welcoming to our diverse community 'The only Tory in Armley?'
Let us know if you have something coming up that you want to shout about dear reader
Lots of Love
The office of Corporate affairs communications
Monday, May 14, 2007

Fancy coming along to find out more about the people who look younger and smile more than the average person?
Jamyang has a wonderful centre right here in Armley, yes you heard right! A Buddhist Centre of note right here!
They are hosting an open day, anyone can drop in to learn more about Meditation and Buddhism and what the centre offers. A time for you to ask any questions and get a feel for the centre.
So what are you waiting for.........? Enlightenment? Well if so then this is the place to start!
Come along on Sunday 20th May 11am to 4pm to Sunshine House - yes really, Whingate Business Park, Leeds Ls12 3Rp
More about them and the wonderful Geshe Tashi Tsering on the here - gently, patiently, and with awareness!
Jam Siren would like to make it clear that she is full of admiration and just being flippant about the gently/patient bit! and the bit about smiling, younger looking etc!
Friday, May 11, 2007

The XLADY M wishes to alert you to a superb job vacancy which has arisen in Leeds, the salary is potentially immense if you are the right person. If this aint for you but you know of someone, who likes to share their opinions, or paint castles in the sky then let them know too.
Do as we say and click here now!
Don't be shy!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
5 Minute Quickie's presents......
The Lady Mayoress was honoured to receive the local comedy genius Mik Artistik today at St Ives Town Hall.
Mik is extremely busy these days with tours across the UK coming up, including Glastonbury and Buxton, but you can still catch him in Leeds and Yorkshire. In fact he is playing tonight at the Fox and Newt on the Burley Road in Leeds- (opp Park Lane College- FREE, at 9pm!)
We were honoured to have a sneak acoustic version of his new soon to be hit record; 'Jimmy Savile's got my album (Jim's gonna fix it for Mik Artistik)'
Come tonight to hear it for yourselves for the very first outing!
For those of you not already aware of Mik's idiosyncratic view of the world please visit his website
So Mr Artistik let us know what you would do if you were the Lady Mayoress of Armley for a day....
What would you like to celebrate?
If i was the Lady Mayoress I would like to celebrate Tony Blair's demise with champagne, and thorntons continental followed by a trip to the pictures to see Hot Fuzz
If you could Jam up your back passage with 3 special friends who would they be?
Philip Neary, Geoff Nemec, and Effin Stef (they know who they are!)
What fact do you know about Armley that would surprise people?
That it has a prison
What have you always wondered about Armley but couldn't be arsed to find the answers to?
Why do they call it Charlie Cake Park? and Why is that Horse always on Armley Common with a bucket? Why are there so many bloody artists living here?
Who are your heros Mik?
Count Arthur Strong, John Shuttleworth, Robert Crumb and Norman Hunter
What questions would you like our next quickie to answer?
What is your favorite colour?
If you were on a desert island would you be happy?
Once again the Lady Mayoress gets down on her knees to salute Mik!
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
This week we have had lots of new visitors from the following places and also if we are
really well behaved we might be able to have a small presence back on the WIKI- thanks Luke
So not sure how these people know of us or come to the site, but the members keep swelling!
Santa Monica|340246|-1184849
La Ferté-Saint-Cyr|476500|16667
New York|407619|-739763
Black Bull|534508|-64789
El Dorado|378467|-968055
Laughton En Le Morthen|533833|-12167
Saturday, April 28, 2007
News brought to you today, a lovely sunny day. The Lady Mayoress wishes to share a private image of her lovely garden!
Lovely night had by Folk of Armley at Sunshine House, more over on our creative Armley sister site. Will Armley soon be singing about a space for art, love, laughter and other such hippy shit?
Local People Doing Good...
Interplay Theatre's Woody Guthrie Play 'This Land' featured on 27th April Radio 4 Front Row - catch it by doing the 'listen again thing' Local actor Julian Coburn Hough is one of the starring cast. CLICK HERE TO Listen for the next 7 days (15 mins into the broadcast)
Armley sends contingent to Glastonbury Festival! Not only is 'This Land' travelling there, but local icon Mik Artistik will be there too!
Middleman Pop have a record deal and are shooting a video right now. Read their account of how their video shoot, nearly ends in bloodshed!

Anyone fancy getting involved with putting on a farmers market, we would hope to get approval from the wonderful people who clean the common land to use Charlie Cake Park. Local allotment afficionado Guy Smith wants to hear from you if you want to help get this off the ground..... email via jam siren... jamsiren{at}
On another note if you would like to get dirt under your finger nails why not join in the general clearing up of the common ground? If you want to find out more about where and when email Jam again and she will forward your details on.
The real star of Armley this week though is our super cool Django, he sure knows how to keep cool in the sun