Mirror Mirror on the wall.....................
Yes St Ives is fairest of all! Read on! by clicking this linkAlso St Ives on Look North last night, who seem to have thrown down the gauntlet to other smug neighbourhoods in Yorkshire, well we at St Ives Town Hall would not be in the least surprised if there are many having a great time too. That's what is great about Yorkshire, our competitive friendliness!It was on Look North but now sadly archived, Richard and Judy are battling against Fern and Philip for exclusive rights, watch this space!
If you are new and have not experienced the joys of the back passage then click on the following link for pictures
Abi's Pics
Julie's Pics
Ali's Pics
Breaking News- Look at the Marvellous Armley Tea Dance's new website, and get thee along to the Valentines Ball on the 10th Feb- an evening do this time. Sign up for tickets! Click here for mmmmmmmmore news
A St Ives Neighbour wrote the following in response..............
Eh Bah Gum! Aint it grand up North? Just nipped out to get paper and nearly slipped on the twinkling cobbles, but luckily my handsome kindly neighbour were on hand to catch my fall! As he helped me back on to my feet a friendly little teenager wearing a hood type garment, came skipping down road, miraculously zit free, bright eyed and bushy tailed. 'Morning Maam' said he cheerily, would you like me to get owt from the shops for you? How about I use your key and let meself back into your house, and put breakfast on for ye whilst I am at it?
I smiled broadly ' hello young Dwaine how are you? how is the studying going? Is uncle Albie on the mend yet, how did the special herbal medicine I mixed for him from my little pretty but well tended yard work?'
He lent into me and grinned, 'don't you worry about Uncle Albie, he's fit as a fiddle thanks to all the wonderful neighbours who helped him after he put his back out jamming up the back passage'
I looked at my watch, ' Oh Golly, I must dash; parties to organise, neighbours to check in on, cats to feed, hanging baskets to water, bats to save, councillors to schmooze, papers to burn, radio shows to amuse, Fern and Phillip to visit, keys to cut, no time to waste!'
And off I gambled in my best frock. Until I got just one house up the road.....' Coffee Love?'
'Oh go on then, if you must....
Next news item will be about the wonderful Armley Forum! Please don't unsubscribe in the meantime!