Share your memories of the event by uploading your photos to flickr. Click here to find the group!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Jam Siren here, sneakily filling in for the LadyM whilst she nurses her burst ear drums and tries to avoid piecing together the fateful moments that led her to believe the residents of Armley would like to hear her West Country rendition of Cliff Richards ' Devil Woman'
When she comes to, and out again, she may feel a slight chill in the air towards her, in fact Mr Mayor declared her to be a 'total tw*t' with an 'a' not an 'i'. Partly because she had broken his favorite chair as she lent over him to hear the gossip about 2 potential love matches in the making. Watch this space for news on that!
This years Jam Up the Back Passage: Close Encounters of the Third Kind welcomed baby Beatrix born of lovers Marcus and Zoe who met last year and as you can tell wasted no time what so ever. That's what we like!
What will next year bring? Will there be a next year? Will the LadyM ever show her face again?
We have pillaged a couple of pictures from Flickr which gives an indication of how the night was spent
* Excepts of LadyM's intended speech now follow:
"Thanks to: The weather for not being too mean, the tarpaulin crew who showed the weather who was gonna win in a competition, Ange for her eye for beauty bunting and fairy lights, everyone who came along and danced, brought food and drink and energy. To all the wonderful musicians (Jim, Mervin, The Street Shadows, Danny, Ju, Wayne, the guys from Carnival Messiah, Mik Artistik, the DJ's - this is where it get's hazy... Boe? Dan? ... To Jonny and Julie, Sam & Caroline, James and Jo, Baz for her stickering. The gals for comforting LadyM in her bed as she sobbed hysterically....And anyone else that may have been forgotten due to too much drink and a soft head...Oh and thanks to all the lovely musicians that would have played should the DJ's not settled in for the night.... Thanks St Ives, Armley, Leeds, the community support officers and anyone else who could not sleep till dawn. "
This is small fragment of the speech LadyM prepared but was too vodka'd up to the eyeballs to successfully deliver, thank the lord. Instead she enlisted little Jordan from up the road in dancing a makarena(?) and screeching as to wake the real police woman who lived 4 streets away.

Friday, August 17, 2007
As for information about the cake competition please send your email addresses to jamsiren{at} to be informed all about it. We aim to have the official Armley Tourist Board website up and running with information about this year's wonderful Charming Armley Cake Competition. Look out for posters as they will be in the shops at about the same time too. In short a competition with fabulous prizes in Charlie Cake Park on the 6th October is what you need to know for now....... more will follow!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Free tickets for the Leeds Festival anyone? Read more from the Mean Fiddler team......
"As you know, we have the Tent Recycling project going on at Leeds Festival and we would like to ensure we collect as many available tents and other re-usable items as possible.
To this end, we have decided to expand our collection days to include Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th. However we want to appeal to your sons and daughters and their friends, if they are after a free ticket to the 2008 Leeds Festival!!!
The collected items won’t be for taking back to scouts however, we will send them onto our charity Global Hand. We will also be collecting unopened food and pots and pans and arranging for these to go to charities locally.
Please have the interested people email Emily Kay on: with the subject line as "Recycling Project - Leeds 2008 Tickets"
Monday, August 13, 2007
As alluded to in recent posts we will be launching a new competition for this year's calendar. Now that we have virtually all our ducks in the row we need to find a creative genius who wishes to help us design a very simple logo and turn copy into printer ready posters etc. (Illustrator, Photoshop)
Not wishing to undersell this wonderful opportunity, there is a tiny amount of cash available to compensate said endeavors..
Furthermore we have about 10 seconds turn around time if we want said logo to adorn a billboard on Mistress Lane.
In return your logo will be seen on every printed calendar, you will be credited on the calendar and on the website we are currently designing... in fact your logo will be very prominent on said website.
You can also have the opportunity to eat lots and lots of cake!
So for further details about what this entails etc please contact ASAP
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Coming soon to a triangular shaped park near you.....
Cake and fete
Will this year's calendar make
That's right, be mad, be vulgar, be bold
and create a sight, sore, to behold
Let the cakes in your mind's eye
be turned from 'pie in the sky'
Into fantastical dreamy cake castles
adorn them with ribbons and tassels
Or aim straight and true
Use the recipe your mum's mum's mum grew
and passed down through the years
honour the memories of our ole dears
Okay enough wierdo poetry (the lady mayoress has been on some self improvement lark recently!) all you need know is there is going to be a hugely ambitious cake baking eggstravaganza that you might want to sign up to receive notification of! There will be prizes, gaiety and giddiness come October, you mark our words! Dust off those old recipe books, start thinking of your favourite sweety stuff and watch this space
Join our list
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Neighbours silence Dolly Parton fan
A Dolly Parton fan is facing an Asbo after her love for the country singer sounded a sour note with her neighbours.
Diane Duffin, from Armley, Leeds, is said to have blasted out Miss Parton's 9 to 5 and D.I.V.O.R.C.E up to 20 times a day and night. One neighbour said her life had been made a "living hell".
The 36-year-old mother of four has been issued with a noise abatement notice after neighbours complained. She had all her sound-making possessions confiscated, including five stereos.
They also plan to evict her to save her neighbours from further torment.
Miss Duffin said: "We do play Dolly Parton a lot but not all day and night. We don't disturb anyone."