New part of website dedicated to the talented Artists in Armley
As we have rhapsodised on many occasion before, Armley is uniquely blessed with a fantastic community of artists, musicians, poets, and pissheads. Could be to do with the fact that it's still cheap enough to live here or because we are discerning folk who distain the obvious pretentions of Chapel Allerton et al. Anyway when we have a really grand public house we will know we have hit the big time and have cause for real smugness. Until then we can comfort ourselves by seeing what talent resides in our community.
Click here to see the work of renowned photographer Casey Orr who cycled from Armley to America.......................
Any creative person who wants to showcase or share their work with their fellow Armely-ites are welcome to post their stuff up and keep our readers informed about gigs, exhibitions and the like. Use the site to share images, music, or thoughts. For admin rights just email me on jamsiren@thearmleytouristboard.com
Meet Sherman's new friend in deepest Wales!

The crazy gothic lovers took Sherman away to meet her new mate- see the picture. After careful consideration they decided that she would remain blue and have flames of silver caressing her bonnett.
The lady mayoress wishes to publicly denounce her rapscallion of a neighbour who caused her heart to pitter patter by pretending to buy Sherman mascarading as a stock car racer. With such neighbours the Lady Mayoress is now open to ideas on how to gain sweet revenge. Please email jam siren with any good ideas....
Plans underway for a new Town Hall in Armley
The lady mayoress met a wonderfully talented architect whilst at the private view of the dear fellow Leonardo Da Vinci. After an enlightening conversation a proposal was put to this visionary architect to start thinking on an appropriate structure to house the growing pile of Armley artifacts such as the marvellous signed book mark by Alan Bennett. The Lady Mayoress has been very pleasantly surprised by the speed in which our architect has dreamt up a perfect capsule town hall for back St Ives Mount. Watch this space for prototype plans
Until we receive the working plans perhaps our architect's description will whet our appetites!
'It’s a sort of eco-post-modern-minimalist-’tardis-esque’ timber-frame structure, and employs intrinsic de-constructivist prefabrication techniques (i.e. bit like an Ikea garden shed)'.