Another Armley News Round Again- and apologies if you have received multiple orgasmic posts, the Lady Mayoress had a minor spasm whilst sending this into the internet.
The Lady Mayoress asks your tolerance for her recent spate of correspondance with her good loyal subjects as she has trespassed rather too regularly upon your good nature of late. She is all a twitter over the "Charming Armley Calendar 2007", which has been a rather fabulous success indeed. Her hankie has been to the dry cleaners to remove the dior mascara a number of times recently as she has received many a wonderful story about people being reunited with their cameras, childhood haunts and the rascals of Armley as they traversed the streets and moor taking their pictures. The excitement of the midnight phoning in of the winning pictures which you can properly view on http://www.flickr.com/groups/winningarmleycalendar by our Judge; Anne McNeill from the depths of her single cell in a Franciscon Monastry ( where she had been smuggled and secreted away to avoid bribery, corruption and tamperin by some over zealous competitiors) caused the Lady Mayoress to nearly flutter into an early grave. Still she rallied herself to liaise with the rather divine printers at Printing.com who got the copy to the presses with only a minute to spare!
The calendar will go on sale on the 1st December, watch this space for some rather imaginative and ticklish ways in which you may be able to purchase it, please do get in contact if you feel that we need to tell the printer to make more copies. We expect demand to be high!
Those lovely Tea Dance Ladies wish to give you some light and tasty relief during the Christmas shopping season and cordially invite you to their next tea dance on the 9th December at Interplay Theatre. Visit http://www.myspace.com/marvellousarmleyteadance for exact details.
The Lady Mayoress would also like to report that Mik Artistik's recent event in Headingley was a resounding success, and recommends his rather risque 'Lissenn' as an ideal Christmas present for all the family. Such varied views of the world the man has!
Finally thank you to all your wonderful entries for the Armley Tourist Board Logo. Phil Moody's orange and black creation was chosen as a most moderne logo which The Lady Mayoress was persuaded would help bring the Armley Tourist Board up to date. She personally preferred the lovely flowery motif from the father and son team of St Ives but realises that to develop a brand image of a progressive, forward looking, engaging, inclusive tourist board she needs to get with the times!

Here are a selection of the clever entrants - thank you Tim, Jane, Simon, Lynne, Sarah, Joshua and Phil (if we have missed you out please accept our humblest apologies! Please get back to us and we will prostrate oursleves publicly)

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