Closing Deadline for photo competition fast approaching! Shortlisted Entrants to discover how they have done by Tuesday 14th November.
Visit Flickr to have a butchers at the fabulous talent and unexpected beauty of the people and place that we call home (by clicking here)
Mik Artistik Launch of new album: " Lissenn'' at Dare Cafe Headingley 2pm onwards Saturday11th November. Support our finest with buying this bargain at only £9.00 or contact him via his Fan Club Membership Secretary (jamsiren@thearmleytouristboard.com)

Think about ordering your Christmas pressies of the Charming Armley Calendar 2007 and let us know in advance how many copies you would like to beat the rush. Send email with contact details and quantities. If we are able to sell them in public then we will let you know where, but we will publicise collection points. £5.00 & postage and packing if appropriate. If you want to help by selling them too then please get in contact.
Another small competition!!!!!
Fancy winning £50? The Armley Tourist Board has no official identity and feels this needs sorting before the calendar goes to print. We need a logo creating for next Tuesday at the latest. Please pass this message on to all budding and existing creative types. Please try to send it to us as a JPEG or gif image and The Lady Mayoress will choose the very best.
Do you know of any community events/groups/happenings that could do with putting a date into the calendar for all the people of Armley to enjoy and hear about. Get that info/contact details etc to us by Sunday night 12th November at the latest. If you are an artist, small business etc and want a small listing saying what you do (no more than 10 words) with website/email/telephone. HURRY UP and let us know
Thanks to our sponsors: Printing.com, HE-RE Estate Agents, DAB, Vital Communications, West Leeds Area Management, The Armley Councillors- Alison Lowe, Janet Harper and James McKenna, Amber Cars, Cultivate, Mike Horsfall Plumber of distinction, Mike Tobin- Thai Boxing School, Network Securities and I Love West Leeds Festival. They have all contrbuted for a page of the calendar and without their help this could not be possible! JUST ONE MORE TO GET
There will be an exhibition of the photography at HE-RE in Armley watch this space for news
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