Armley Tourist Board and Calendar Entrants in the news again as is our lovely judge Anne McNeill and Armley resident Casey Orr's photograph.
Look at Griff and Lightening Cloud's other pictures on Flickr.com
Lightening Cloud
The owner of the horse went in to He-Re today for Royalties- just kidding
Sales coming in from LA, China, Prague, LA, Roundhay none from Chapel A just yet! And the gentleman from Stylelistiks would not purchase of a copy, 'No ta love £5.00's a bit steep innit'

MOST IMPORTANTLY: DON'T FORGET THE TEA DANCE AT INTERPLAY THEATRE Saturday 9th December Get your dancing shoes on for the hour lesson before it kicks. Be there or be square! More news on Marvellous Armley Teadance
Have just found out I didn't make the cut for birthdays included in the calendar. I think the LM could do with a bit of media training before she offends more people!
Perhaps you are right and The Lady Mayoress is a bad lady make no mistake about it, she missed out Jam Siren's birthday altogether, she is already seeing the result of her carelessness as subscriptions drop through the floor- well one today anyway. I apologise on her behalf, if she had a brain she would be dangerous
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