Glittering Gathering at He- re Estate Agents reward wonderful entrants and announce

The Lady Mayoress of Armley got dressed up to the 9's last night at the joint launch of the Charming Armley Calendar and He-re Estate Agents.
The Lady M thanked all that made it such a wonderful success and urges those of you not able to go last night to get along to He-re as the wonderful images decorate the wall most professionally. We enjoyed full security and red carpet treatment from one of our sponsors; Network Securites to make sure that our guests were well looked after. Matt the chef did amazing things with prawns, sushi and other canapes from a kitchen the size of a toilet. ALL HAIL! With any luck he might open a restuarant in Armley and we will all be very happy if that happens!
After much Country Manor was consumed (and some nice posh bubbly stuff) the Lady M left the party (which went on until 4.30 apparently) to get along to the BBC for a radio appearance with Andrew and Georgie at the BBC in Leeds. (7am- very painful) Jam Siren was very impressed by the fact that she managed to use the word ephemera (what ever that means!) so early in the day. Click on this link to hear the short broadcast
BBC CharmingArmleyCalender2007.mp3

Further great news: A new recording studio has opened in Armley on Canal Road, it is called 'The Rock and Roll Circus' and sounds fabtastic (sorry that's so cheesy of me) anyway to read more about it go to our news section which contains details of how to get in contact with the owner Craig Pennington of Leeds Band 'A Love Supreme' Armley News Round up
And finally this Saturday 2nd December we will be driving around Armley tommorow selling the calendar from the back of a white van. Mr Rusty Staples and Angie from the Marvellous Armley Tea Dance will be helping us spread the word. The Lady Mayoress is ever so taken with them, such hard workers and so full of spunky spirit! So you can get your pennies ready and if you are quick demand delivery to the door!
Otherwise buy it on Ebay, (charming armley calendar) at He-re until the 17th or at the Marvellous Armley Tea Dance on the 9th December.
Ephemera = those bits of throwaway paper of every day life (eg: advertising, ticket stubs, programs, some booklets and pamphlets, etc.) so yes,used completely incorrectly :o)
Well done again!! Although I hope you realise you're going to offend everybody who doesn't have their birthday mentioned in the calendar!!
Lady Mayoress, I had another vision this morning...Shirley Bassey doing an open air concert on Armley Moor! What do you think? I mean, why not? She held one in a vineyard in Western Australia. Armley Moor has less flies and the beer is better. Anyway, I took the liberty of e-mailing her. I will let you know as soon as she comes back to me. love maria
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