Jam Siren has been quite concerned about her mental state, as she has been laying off the Country Manor, keeping her nose out of her neighbour's concerns and generally moping around.
In fact since she dramatically announced her intention to step down the ex Lady M has lost some of that 'sparkle' that made her so profoundly irritating. Jam Siren has been at quite a loss as to what to do to bring back the interfering old boot, and thinks perhaps the best thing would be to put it to you that maybe Lady Mayoress should step back into her old patent buckled shoes; what dear public do you say?
She has intimated to me that since watching the film 'Hot Fuzz'

Still she was also heartened last week by two events, one being the fact that our postcode is now at last coming into it's own and receiving wonderful unsolicited junk mail from Organic food producers, which makes up for the ignorance of those marketeers sending along those awful 29% unsecured loan offers. What's more rumour has it that what was 'Armley Plumbing Supplies' in Upper Armley may soon be turned into a wonderful place for coffees and gossip galore!
Furthermore she had a boost by being mentioned by a rather dashing young man from a legal firm with a lovely Leeds office on his corporate website. Addleshaw Goddard are going to be helping the young of Armley with their reading skills, so hopefully more of the little tykes will be able to read this website and become proper citizens of Armley. Read the piece by clicking here
For the civic minded amongst us, good(ish) news that Todd's has been granted a small stay of execution until April thanks to all your support! Still much work to be done though and we will keep you appraised of any news. With over 300 signitures online and on paper we have given the town planners some food for thought. So all we need now is a serious contender to ring those agents in Leeds - Adair Paxton and make a serious offer on Todd's to the owner, who must by now be wondering if they backed the wrong horse!
Finally the Valentine's Tea Dance made us cry with pride! It was sublime. More pictures to follow.
So what say we with regards the sad ole lady; shall we have her back or shall we get someone else to do the job?
1 comment:
Bring the "Old Boot" back I say. She needs to be kept busy in order to keep her out of trouble. I also note that the price of Country Manor shares has taken a nose dive...
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