Help Armley have the friendliest street in Britain as voted for by the listeners of Radio Five Live
Amidst these turbulent times of fighting the DONE bookmakers attempts to colonise all of Armley Town Street, Jam Siren is pleased to share some good warm hearted news with you to finish the year on.
What will we do next on this street of publicity seeking extroverts? The Lady Mayoress implores the good citizans of Leeds and Armley to help us win the accolade next Friday 29th by listening into Radio 5 Live from 11am on 909 or 693 Medium Wave (AM?) (just like the good old times) where we fight it out against the likes of Manchester and London to win the very special award!
Alan Bennett would be so proud of us! Maybe then he will see that being patron of the Armley Tourist Board would enhance his profile no end!
In the meantime dear subscribers the Armley Tourist Board would like to thank you for all your support in 2006, we hope you enjoyed Jam Up the Back Passage: The Second Coming, and the Tea Dances, The Charming Armley Calendar and numerous other activities.
2007 we will launch the new website, where the Lady Mayoress devolves her power to YOU!
Yes a community website where you write the content and say what you want! There are plans for a farmers market in Charlie Cake Park for May too, so lots to look forward to!
Get listening and voting next Friday, let's show the world the Armley is the friendliest place in the world!
Happy Christmas and a sparkling New Year!
Jam Siren on behalf of the Lady Mayoress of Armley and the Armley Tourist Board